Vitamin C
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is not made in the body and is an essential nutrient for the body. The daily requirement varies from 40 to 120 mg depending on the person's age, and this need increases during pregnancy and lactation. Smokers need 35 mg of vitamin C daily more than regular people.
Vitamin C in fruits and vegetables
Rich sources of vitamin C (respectively the amount of vitamins) include citrus (orange, lemon, and grapefruit), sweet peppers (red, yellow, and green), kiwi, broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes, red cabbage, flowers. It is not naturally present in cereals and is added to them in fortified form. Because heat breaks down ascorbic acid (vitamin C), cooking vegetables and fruits, especially at high temperatures, destroys much of the vitamin C.
Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant in the body
Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant in the body and protects cells from damage caused by harmful chemicals called free radicals. Free radicals are formed by intracellular metabolism, air pollution, smoking, and ultraviolet rays. Vitamin C also helps other antioxidants, such as vitamins E and A, yo have a better function in the body.
Vitamin C in the production of collagen
The body needs vitamin C to make essential substances such as collagen, L-carnitine, and some of the chemicals carrying nerve signals. The presence of vitamin C is essential for the proper function of the immune system, and without it, the wound healing process (due to the lack of collagen production) will not occur. Vitamin C also increases the absorption of iron from the intestines.
Severe vitamin C deficiency
Although severe vitamin C deficiency is rare in developed countries, it can lead to scurvy. The disease's symptoms include subcutaneous and mucosal bleeding, non-healing wounds, joint pain, bleeding gums, and tooth loss. In more severe stages, the patient may become anemic and even die. It is easily treated by consuming fruits and vegetables with vitamin C.
Vitamin C can effectively reduce the risk of cancer
Scientific research has shown that taking vitamin C reduces the risk of a variety of cancers. This effect is likely to occur in three ways: reducing the production or formation of carcinogens, regulating and strengthening the immune system against carcinogens, and the antioxidant effect against free radicals.
Vitamin C Prevents cardiovascular disease and myocardial infarction and stroke
Vitamin C plays an essential role in preventing cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, and strokes. It prevents damage to the walls of arteries and atherosclerosis (atherosclerosis). It also improves the secretion of a natural substance from the arteries' walls, which plays a vital role in dilating the arteries and lowering blood pressure.
Excessive consumption of vitamin C and reduction of colds
Scientific research has failed to substantiate the widespread belief that high vitamin C intake prevents the common cold in the early stages. Taking large amounts of vitamin C, only in people who do hard physical training (such as professional athletes or soldiers) has reduced the incidence of colds, but it has been ineffective in normal people. However, taking vitamin C supplements may shorten the cold duration or reduce the severity of its symptoms.