Unscientific treatments for obesity
At any given time, millions of people around the world are working hard to lose weight. Many are unaware of basic knowledge about the mechanisms of weight gain and weight loss, nutrition, exercise, and obesity management. The slimming market is always full of such unscientific and dangerous treatments.
Let's briefly review some of the unscientific ranking treatments that are now doing the slimming markets:
1. Slimming drugs
Today, the slimming treatment market is full of fake treatments that sell so-called slimming drugs and can make you lose weight without exercise. Among them, the most common treatments are the sale of Ayurvedic and homeopathic medicines as slimming medicines.
2. Very low-calorie diets
Diets (VLC) is a diet of fewer than 800 calories, and most people prescribe very-low-calorie diets, the risks of which can even be fatal.
3. False slimming machines
Many of the most popular weight loss programs use a range of so-called slimming devices that generate high-frequency, low-voltage electrical current to vibrate your muscles. These are physiotherapy devices. Either ultrasound or heat waves dissolve your fat effortlessly.
4. Use of plant products
Anything with a plant-like mark automatically appears to be immune to dangerous side effects. Thousands of naive people in many countries have risked their health and even their lives by using this type of treatment.
Any unknown package given for weight loss can be risky because it is possible to add up some dangerous medicine to it. The most popular plant products contain heavy metal contamination, toxic compounds, psychotropic substances, and pathogenic bacterial contamination. These are associated with acute liver failure, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, kidney failure, and death. By keeping up the consumption, side effects would be more serious. People have even died using these types of treatments. Fortunately, most people leave early and survive with minimal damage.
5. Weekly or bi-weekly diets
Many dieticians change their weekly or biweekly diets. Such diets are the biggest fraud in your health.
6. Low carb diets
These diets are so popular. Many doctors believe that carbohydrate foods are the main cause of weight gain. It is a completely wrong belief. Carbohydrates are as vital nutrients to the body as proteins or fats.
7. The Atkins Diet
This diet was published in Dr. Atkins's 1972 book The Diet. The experts have criticized it, but since then a significant number of people have followed the regime. Today, it causes damage to the obese community. This diet is called a high-protein, low-carb diet, but it is a high-fat, low-carb diet. In this diet, you can eat any amount of fatty food like meat, chicken, eggs, butter, cheese, etc.
8. Liquid diets
Liquid-only diets are very harmful. They have all the side effects of starvation mentioned above. In addition, the formation of gallstones is a common side effect.
9. Surgical procedures
Liposuction, lipectomy, jaw wiring, surgical removal of the digestive tract, and absorbers of the gastrointestinal tract are different methods of fancy surgery that it is better to ignore. Both their safety and effectiveness are in question.