Starting a new life requires one to start a new lifestyle by becoming a new person; Because he has become a healthier and thinner person with a new identity. It is no longer appropriate to think that "I used to be overweight but now I try to eat healthily" or "I used to have a lot of physical activity but now I try to walk more" or "now I am in a leaner phase of life, but who knows, maybe all this will go back back to the first day." Instead, you need to redefine yourself: "I’m who eats healthily", "I walk wherever I can and I never use the elevator" and "I’m a healthy person". These positive thoughts can be reinforced by joining a club and connecting with the people of that club or joining a walking group. Tell yourself that you are a new person now and you have a new life. And encourage your loved ones as well.
The effect of nutrition and diet therapy in daily life
Our body signals and reflects the nutrition it receives in different ways. And since many of these symptoms are tolerable, although unpleasant, we accept them as a rule and continue to do so. This includes warning signs such as:
Low energy
Even depression
In fact, many of these symptoms are somehow related to diet, and dietary modification can not improve the condition alone, but also it’s related to overall health and quality of life directly.
A number of studies show that there is a relationship between what you eat and how you feel. Any mood, even if it is in response to a real situation, is modulated by neurotransmitters such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine. Everyone is deeply affected by nutrition.
In the 1980s, neuroscientists Kenneth Bloom and his research team identified what they called reward deficiency syndrome, or RDS. In RDS, low levels of "pleasure" neurotransmitters such as dopamine lead to forced behaviors, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and antisocial, addictive, and even criminal behaviors, and can affect food, drink, and more.
Stress is a reality that we all face to varying degrees. And often when our stress levels are higher, we get the most nutrition, including stressful behaviors such as overeating or second-hand drinking. The good news is that even moderate changes in diet can have a direct impact on stress over time. On the positive side, it eliminates unhealthy sugary foods from one's diet instead of sugary foods.
Poor diets, especially diets which are high in refined sugars and unhealthy fats, can lead to inflammation, increase muscle mass and affect recovery time negatively. By maintaining a more nutritious diet over time, you can experience reduced inflammation, better mobility, and improved quality of life. This is especially true for those who are obese.
Following a proper diet not only promotes good health and prevents various diseases, but also it has impact on your life. It has also been observed that those who follow a regular dietary plan with time without diet have changed their lives so much that their lifestyle can be divided into before and after diet.