Morning Exercise at Home
Doing daily morning exercises is a beneficial and healthy habit. Apart from that, morning exercise (even before breakfast) burns more calories than noon or evening exercise, and this calorie-burning continues throughout the day.
Benefits of doing morning exercises
The benefits of morning exercise include:
Helps to lose weight: Exercise in the early morning and before eating breakfast burns calories and body fat very quickly. When waking up, the stomach is empty, and the body uses fat stores instead of carbohydrates to produce energy. If exercise is postponed until after breakfast, the body first burns calories and then uses body fat to produce energy. It will help to achieve the weight loss goals and keep you healthy.
Activates the body and brain: Starting the day with a morning exercise keeps the body and brain active throughout the day. Morning exercise helps to put aside the sedentary lifestyle and rejuvenate the body.
Helps to sleep better: Exercise and sleep are interdependent. Increasing the body's metabolism with a few morning exercises balances the hormones and prepares you for a comfortable night's sleep. Having a good night's sleep is essential for good health.
Here are some morning exercises you can do as a beginner at home:
1- Knee push up movement
This exercise will help to lose weight, improve metabolism and strengthen muscles.
How to perform the move:
• Lie on the stomach and bend the knees so that the ankles are crossed.
• Bend the elbows and place the palms on the floor
• Tilt the chin slightly toward the chest so that the forehead is facing the floor. In this case, contract the abdomen
• Bend the elbows and bring them up again by bending the elbows. Move up and down between the two modes for about 1 minute
2- The movement of cats and camels
This movement stretches and strengthens the muscles that fix the spine and abdomen.
How to perform the move:
• Stand on all fours
• Place the shoulders along the wrists as shown above. Gently bend the spine so that the abdomen is close to the ground and the shoulders and crown are raised.
• Then return to normal spine and round the waist to the middle of the waist up
• Repeat these movements slowly and gently 4 to 5 times
3- Jumping jack movement
This is a great exercise that you should include in the morning exercise program as a beginner to increase the heart rate and blood flow.
How to perform the move:
• Stand up straight and put the feet together
• Jump up while opening the arms and legs
• Return to the original position and repeat for at least 1 to 1.5 minutes
4- Squats without weights
Squats are the best morning exercise for weight loss.
How to perform the move:
• Spread the legs shoulder-width apart and raise the head and keep the back straight
• Bend the hips back and bend the knees and gently bend the body
• Press the heels of the feet to the ground and return to the starting position by straightening the legs