Magnesium is an essential mineral involved in many reactions in the human body, and its deficiency causes significant side effects.
The role of magnesium in the body:
Magnesium plays a complementary role (cofactor) in more than 300 enzymatic reactions in the human body. These enzymatic reactions are used to make proteins, contract muscles, function the nervous system, control blood sugar, control blood pressure, and produce cellular energy. Magnesium is essential for cellular respiration (during which glucose releases energy in the presence of oxygen). Magnesium is also needed to build bones, maintain their health, and transport potassium and calcium ions into and out of cells.
Food sources of magnesium:
• Nuts, including almonds, cashews, peanuts, and raisins, contain significant amounts of magnesium.
• Rich plant sources include spinach, avocado, potatoes, and bananas.
• Most cereals also contain reasonable amounts of magnesium (mainly soy, black beans, whole wheat bread, brown rice, and oatmeal), but fortified cereals can be consumed to ensure adequate magnesium intake.
• Among animal sources, milk and salmon have the highest levels of magnesium.
Amount of Magnesium Needed Daily:
An adult human body contains 25 grams (25,000 mg) of magnesium, more than half of which is found in bones and the rest in the body's soft tissues. The amount of magnesium required varies according to age and sex. For example, children under six months need 30 mg, children aged seven months to 80 years old, children aged four to eight years old 130 and nine to thirteen years old need 240 mg of magnesium daily. The daily requirement increases to about 420 mg for boys and men and about 320 mg for girls and women over fourteen.
Complications of magnesium deficiency:
Early symptoms include loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting, and feelings of tiredness and weakness. Subsequent symptoms may include tingling or numbness in the limbs, muscle contractions and cramps, heart rhythm problems, and mood swings.
Groups most at risk for magnesium deficiency:
Intestinal magnesium absorption decreases in people with chronic diarrhea due to digestive problems (such as inflammatory bowel disease or gallbladder resection). People with type 2 diabetes, alcoholics, and the elderly are at higher risk for magnesium deficiency.
Beneficial effects of magnesium in the treatment of diseases:
Many studies have been done on the effect of magnesium in the control and treatment of various diseases. These include lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease, controlling blood sugar in people with diabetes, preventing osteoporosis, and reducing the number of migraine attacks. Treatment with magnesium supplements may be effective in some migraine patients.
Excess Magnesium Consumption:
Excess magnesium consumption causes nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps. Magnesium poisoning usually occurs with supplements. A typical case of this poisoning occurs in people who use high-dose laxatives to lose weight.
In short, it is recommended that the magnesium required by the body be provided as much as possible from a combination of the mentioned natural and enriched sources.