Stimulants increase the speed of activity in the body and temporarily awakening and awareness, the ability to concentrate and improve mood. Some people take illegal stimulants such as cocaine and meth crystal. But there are many legal stimulants, such as caffeine, prescription stimulants, and energy drinks, that have become an integral part of the daily lives of millions of Americans. Each stimulus may be different, but what all stimuli have in common is artificial stimulation of the body and, as a result, can be very addictive.
Caffeine can have many positive and negative effects on the body, including:
Stimulates the respiratory, cardiac and nervous systems
Increases blood pressure
This substance artificially increases the rate of metabolism by 10 to 25%
This substance stimulates the overproduction of gastric juice and is involved in the formation of gastric ulcers.
heart beat
Stimulation of the stomach
Muscle tension
In people who consume caffeine for the first time, it provokes symptoms such as nervousness, irritability, mood swings and chills. In the long run, the constant and abnormal stimulation of our system increases the level of stress that damages the immune system.
Consumption of alcohol in small quantities causes the following effects:
Prevent depression
Sense of peace
Reduce stress
increasing the self confidence
However, as the dose increases, the central nervous system slows down and you are noticeably affected, so that the reflexes slow down, the reaction time is delayed, and there is less control over the muscular responses.
Chocolate is made from cocoa beans. The first-time cocoa is extracted, it has a very bitter taste. Cocoa flowers were used to treat fatigue and cocoa powder was used as an appetite stimulant. Cocoa is rich in potassium, iron and calcium as well as vitamins A, B, C and D.
Unfortunately, the chocolate that fills our grocery stores and is commercially produced has been stripped of many of the nutrients in cocoa beans. Many do not even contain cocoa, but instead contain a variety of synthetic chemicals that mimic real chocolate. They also contain large amounts of sugar, fat and trans fats. Today, there is very little chocolate that resembles the healthy food consumed in ancient civilizations.
So, why do we like chocolate? Because compounds such as theobromine in chocolate stimulate the secretion of serotonin in our brain, which helps to produce a feeling of pleasure and makes us feel comfortable and relaxed.
Energy drinks and supplements
Manufacturers of supplements and beverages use a variety of stimulants in energy drinks, beverages, energy supplements, foods and diet drinks. The stimulants they use range from caffeine to laboratory-produced chemicals and herbal stimulants. More than 90% of supplements on the market are synthetic and made in China.
We usually consume an energy drink when we need to feel stimulated, or need to study for an exam, or want to feel alert in general. But similar to caffeine addiction, some people are addicted to energy drinks and should consume them daily.
Amphetamines and methamphetamines
They are a group of psychotropic drugs that affect the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. Amphetamines can be very addictive. In addition to creating a feeling of alertness and increasing concentration, amphetamines can also reduce appetite.
Amphetamines can be used to treat weight loss, but are much less commonly prescribed because of their addictive properties and negative side effects.