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 Corona Lambda
Corona Lambda
Published on 1400/08/28

Corona Lambda

First mutations in the virus include Alpha and Delta were discovered in the United Kingdom and India, respectively. Delta strain is more in transmission, and the possibility of hospitalization in unvaccinated individuals than Alpha one is prevalent worldwide.
While rapid spreading of the Delta variant in the world, there is now a new type that experts are calling the lambda type.

What is a Corona Lambda?

Lambda, or C.37, has spread rapidly in South America, especially in Peru, where the first documented examples of the virus are estimated.
In its report in mid-June, the World Health Organization reported that Lambda was associated with a significant rate of community relocation in several countries.

Is Corona Lambda more dangerous?

In mid-June, the World Health Organization said that the Lambda strain carries several mutations with suspected phenotypic implications. It can affect increasing potential transmissibility or rising resistance to antibody neutralization.

How does the Lambda Corona compare to other known types?

Scientists believe that the Lambda is less infectious than the Delta type but more infectious than the original virus.
Covid Lambda type: According to the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, its rapid spread could mean that the mutation is more infectious and more resistant to the vaccine than the original species.
More studies are needed to compare whether the Lambda is more transmissible or vaccine-resistant than Delta-type, while it is highly contagious and prone to new cases.

Do lambda vaccines still work?

Studies show that using current vaccines remains protective against the Lambda type.
Researchers have stressed that more studies are needed to confirm the effectiveness of vaccines.

Is the Lambda corona more transferable?

It is not clear whether the new mutation is more transmissible or not.
Another mutation in L452Q is similar to the mutation reported in Delta and Epsilon, which may affect its sensitivity to antibodies.
However, it is important to note that research on this particular type is in its infancy.
Because there is currently little evidence to show exactly how different the Lambda species is from other species. Scientists believe that we need more robust studies to understand its function completely.

What are the symptoms of Lambda?

At present, there is no indication that the symptoms of infection with the new type C.37 or Lambda are different from other types of coronavirus.

Its main symptoms are:

High temperature: It means that you feel warm to the touch on the chest or back. There is no need to measure the temperature.
New, persistent cough: It means that you cough for more than an hour or have three or more coughs in 24 hours. If you cough regularly, it may be worse than usual.
Loss or change in your sense of smell or taste: It means that you have noticed that you can not smell or taste or that the smell or taste of things is different from the original.
Most people with coronary heart disease will have at least one of the above.

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