It refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. Autism affects an estimated 1 in 54 children in the United States today. Because autism is a spectrum disorder, each person with autism has a distinct set of strengths and challenges. The ways in which people with autism learn, think and problem-solve can range from highly skilled to severely challenged.
Autism symptoms
Symptoms generally appear in the first two years of life, because of this, autism is a developmental disorder.
People with autism have:
Symptoms that hurt the person’s ability to function properly in school, work, and other areas of life.
Difficulty with communication and interaction with other people.
Restricted interests and repetitive behaviors.
Common symptoms of autism include:
A lack of eye contact
High sensitivity to sounds, touches, smells, or sights that seem ordinary to other people
Not wanting to be held or cuddled
Trouble adapting to changes in routine
Autism Diagnosis
The purpose of an autism screening is to identify common early signs of autism. Physicians use an array of formal and informal autism screening tools. These can range from simple observations to formal assessments. Some of the more commonly used autism screening tools are:
Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers
The Ages and Stages Questionnaire
Screening Tool for Autism in Toddlers and Young Children (STAT)
Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS)
Autism Treatment
Early intervention services help children from birth to 3 years old learn important skills. Services can include therapy to help the child talk, walk, and interact with others. Therefore, it is important to talk to your child’s doctor as soon as possible if you think your child has ASD or other developmental problem.
Diet Therapy for Autism
Children with autism may limit their food intake or have food preferences. They may also break down fat differently. As a result, autistic children are sometimes low in certain nutrients.
Research shows that children with autism tend to have thinner bones than children without autism. Restricted access to bone-building foods, such as dairy products, can make it even harder for their bones to grow strong.
Studies evaluating gluten/casein-free diets have reported some parent-rated improvements in communication and challenging behaviors; however, data were inadequate to make conclusions about the body of evidence.
gluten-free/casein-free and ketogenic diets, camel milk, curcumin, probiotics, and fermentable foods can play a role in alleviating ASD symptoms, consumption of sugar, additives, pesticides, genetically modified organisms, inorganic processed foods, and hard-to-digest starches may aggravate symptoms.
Some research has shown that many children with autism have low levels of omega-3 fats. Omega-3 supplements may help with hyperactivity in autistic children.
As parents, it is important to work closely with the nutritionist to make sure to follow the specific diet and nutrition plan.
Limit foods that contain trans-fat: when these children consume foods with trans-fat, it makes their situations worse.
Stay away from highly processed foods
Avoid refined sugar
Make sure to provide balanced meals for your child made up of complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats.
Choose the Best Sources of Protein: beef, eggs, milk, poultry, yogurt, tofu, fish, cheese, pork