20 simple tips to make your diet healthier:
A healthy diet has been scientifically proven to have many therapeutic benefits, including reducing the risk of several chronic diseases as well as keeping the body healthy.
1. Eat slowly: the speed at which you eat affects your intake as well as your chances of gaining weight. In fact, studies comparing different eating speeds show that people who eat fast are up to 115% fatter than people who eat slowly. Your appetite and the amount of food you eat are all controlled by hormones. However, it takes 20 minutes for your brain to receive these messages, so a slower urge gives your brain time to realize that you are full.
2. Choose whole wheat bread: whole grains have been linked to a variety of health benefits, including reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. They are also a good source of fiber, B vitamins, and several minerals such as zinc, iron, magnesium, and manganese.
3. Add Greek yogurt to your diet
4. Do not shop without a list
5. Eat eggs, preferably for breakfast: eggs are super healthy, especially if you eat eggs in the morning. Eggs are rich in high-quality protein and many essential nutrients.
6. Increase your protein intake.
7. Drink enough water: drinking enough water is important for your health. Many studies have shown that drinking water may help you lose and maintain weight.
8. Boil or grill instead of frying: how you prepare food can affect your health. Grilling, and frying are common ways to prepare meat and fish.
9. Use omega-3 and vitamin supplements: they play important roles in the body, including reducing inflammation, maintaining heart health, and boosting brain function.
10. Replace your favorite food with fast food
11. Try a new healthy diet at least a week
12. Eat vegetables in your meal first: this may lead you to eat fewer calories which will lead to weight loss. And eating vegetables before a high-carbohydrate meal has been shown to have beneficial effects on blood sugar levels.
13. Eat fruit instead of your own juice: many juices are not even made from real fruits but are concentrates, and sugars. It may even contain as much sugar as a soft drink. Even real juices lack the fiber and chewing resistance provided by whole fruits. This causes the juice to raise blood sugar.
14. Cook more at home
15. Exercise
16. Replace your sugary drinks with sugar-free or carbonated water
17. Have a good night sleep
18. Eat popcorn instead of chips: it may come as a surprise that popcorn is a whole grain filled with nutrients and fiber. One serving of 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of popcorn contains 387 calories and 15 grams of fiber, while the same amount of chips contains 547 calories and only 4 grams of fiber.
19. Choose healthy oils
20. Drink black coffee: in fact, it is the main source of antioxidants and is associated with many health benefits, including decreasing the risk of diabetes, mental retardation, and liver disease.