Angabin Teb Food Analysis Program

In this section, we have tried to gather all the Iranian and the international food that is consumed throughout the country. Angabin Teb Food Analysis program is a handy program that provide convenient access to a large variety of food that its amount is measured simply based on provided practical measurement units (plate, spatula, spoon, etc.) after choosing the food category. The dietary macronutrient (energy, carbohydrates, proteins and fats) and micronutrient intake (all types of vitamins and minerals) will be calculated for each person after submitting their physiological information (age, sex, weight, height, etc.) as well as their daily meals and food intake. That being so, with Angabin Teb Food Analysis Program and calorie counting, each person can easily track their daily intake of macronutrient and micronutrients, whether they are getting enough vitamins and minerals. One of the features of the Angabin Teb Food Analysis Program is that you can easily calculate your body mass index (BMI) and the caloric content of all the foods you eat. The most important advantage of Angbin Teb food analysis program is providing a wide variety of different Iranian dishes, which has made it possible for local nutritionists, researchers and even ordinary people to analyze the amounts of consumed micronutrients and macronutrients. Although, similar foreign programs are available for calorie or nutrient counting, they do not include Iranian dishes. In fact, in this type of programs, researchers and other people should break down the ingredients of an Iranian dish into its components to determine its nutrient content, which takes a lot of time. For instance, Ghorme Sabzi is composed of several basic foods such as beans, fried vegetables, fried onions, red meat and oil. So, the accurate amount of each of these components should be entered in the program separately. It may also be problematic for people who are unfamiliar with the exact amount of ingredients in each food to use other food analysis programs. In addition, Angabin Teb Food Analysis Program provide some micronutrient adequate intake amounts, including vitamins and minerals, which are mentioned in reference books based on different ages and genders. This feature allows you to compare your actual micronutrients intake with its adequate intake amounts which are essential for your body.

In the first step, record your physiological information

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